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【南非白酒】Olindo Verdelho 2021 750ml

【南非白酒】Olindo Verdelho 2021 750ml

全店,全單滿4件,免費送住宅/辨公室 (偏遠地區除外)

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{{amazonProductReview.avg_rating}} {{'product.product_review.stars' | translate}} | {{amazonProductReview.total_comment_count}} {{'product.product_review.reviews' | translate}}
數量 組合數量
一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



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South Africa Olindo Verdelho 2021 750ml

• Introduction 簡介

The name of this range comes from the early days of settlement in the Cape. The VOC (Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie) prohibited farmers from trading with anyone other than the ‘Compagnie’, but this lead to big unhappiness. Therefore, when the ‘vrijburgers’ and local tribesmen wanted to do business, they had to go to a secluded area in the mountain-range to trade without interference. This corner was where Stellenbosch Mountain and Helderberg ‘join’ and so it became known as ‘Konkelberg’.

• Terroir 風土

This artistic interpretation of Verdelho is crafted from a single registered vineyard rooted in the oldest viticultural soil in the world, made up of decomposed granite clay, situated on the lower slopes of the Helderberg Mountain. Every afternoon at around 17:00 a beautiful shadowy figure of a mountain nymph appears against cliffs of the Helderberg, extending her arms with a gift to the world, hence the reason we chose this label to reflect the image naturally found against our beloved mountain. This vineyard enjoyed the refreshingly cool breezes from False Bay (Atlantic Ocean) during the day and cool night air flowing down from the mountain, resulting in even ripening of the berries and good natural acidity. The macro climate is maritime, with cold wet winters and sunny warm summers.
這種對 Verdelho 的藝術詮釋是從一個植根於最古老的註冊葡萄園中製作的世界上的葡萄栽培土壤,由腐爛的花崗岩粘土組成,位於海德堡的較低山坡上山。每天下午 17:00 左右,一個美麗的山仙女影子出現在懸崖邊。Helderberg,向世界伸出她的雙臂,因此我們選擇這個標籤來反映形象自然地發現在我們心愛的山上。這個葡萄園享受著來自福爾斯灣的清新涼爽的微風(大西洋)白天和涼爽的夜間空氣從山上流下來,導致成熟的均勻漿果和良好的天然酸度。擁有近海洋性的宏觀氣候,冬季寒冷潮濕,夏季陽光明媚。


Olindo Verdelho 2021 釀造過程:

An organic & minimum interference approach is taken in the vineyards to get a true reflection ofthe unique terroir. No fungicides, pesticides or herbicides are used, and biodynamic practices are followed.


This wine has been naturally fermented containing no enzymes, preservatives or stabilisers. The wine was not filtered. It will improve over the next 5 years and may contain harmless sediment.This wine shows an abundance of fresh melon & perfume on the nose, followed by aromatic bitters and bay leaf on the palate. There is fresh acidity, yet a rich roundness and body.

這款酒經過自然發酵,不含酶、防腐劑或穩定劑。這酒沒有過濾。它將在未來 5 年內得到提升,並且可能含有無害的沉積物。這款酒散發出豐富的新鮮蜜瓜和芳香,緊隨其後的是苦精味和月桂葉的口感。酸度清新,但圓潤飽滿。

Winemaker: Jasper Raats 釀酒商: Jasper Raats
Alcohol: 酒精度:度
Origin: Stellenbosch 原產地:斯泰倫博斯
Grape -
Awards:New Release

 *產品詳情請參閱包裝上說明, 圖片及建議只供參考,一切以實物為準。*『根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。』“ Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.


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