South Africa Longridge Edelgoud 2015 375ml
• Introduction 簡介
The name of this range comes from the early days of settlement in the Cape. The VOC (Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie) prohibited farmers from trading with anyone other than the ‘Compagnie’, but this lead to big unhappiness. Therefore, when the ‘vrijburgers’ and local tribesmen wanted to do business, they had to go to a secluded area in the mountain-range to trade without interference. This corner was where Stellenbosch Mountain and Helderberg ‘join’ and so it became known as ‘Konkelberg’.
• Terroir 風土
Rooted in deep fine granite Tukulu soils on the slopes of the Helderberg Mountain, these vineyards enjoy the refreshingly cool breezes from the Atlantic Ocean during the hot summer months, resulting in even ripening of the berries.
這些葡萄園植根於 Helderberg 山坡上深厚的精細花崗岩 Tukulu 土壤,在炎熱的夏季,享受來自大西洋的清爽涼爽的微風,從而使漿果更加成熟。
Longridge Edelgoud 2015 釀造過程:
With favourable conditions for Botrytis rot the grapes were left on the vines until Middle of March. Bunches were carefully selected for clean Botrytis rot and then handpicked at 43 Balling. The yield was low at approximately 1 ton/ha.
由於葡萄孢菌腐爛的有利條件,葡萄一直留在葡萄藤上,直到三月中旬。束被精心挑選用於清潔 Botrytis 腐爛,然後在 43 Balling 精心挑選。產量很低,約為 1 噸/公頃。
As the grapes entered the cellar, skin contact was applied for 12 hours, there after it was whole bunch pressed into a stainless steel fermentation tank. The juice was fermented slowly at 14-16 ºC for 12 days. The wine was matured in 2nd fill French oak barrels for 5 months after which it was lightly fined and bottled.To craft a “noble late” wine is a labour of love, but often the results can be the most amazing taste sensation. Edelgoud is our attempt at this elusive elixir and only two barrels were produced from Sauvignon Blanc grapes. This wine with its unique golden colour entices the palate with seductive flavours of apricot and nectarine, passion fruit, honeycomb, marmalade, apple and dried peach. With its clean, crisp and refreshing finish, this wine will pair well with crème bruleé and a variety of cheeses.
隨著葡萄進入地窖,皮膚接觸 12 小時,然後將整串葡萄壓入不銹鋼發酵罐。果汁在 14-16 ºC 下緩慢發酵 12 天。該酒在第二次灌裝的法國橡木桶中陳釀 5 個月,然後進行輕微細化和裝瓶。釀造“貴腐霉菌”的葡萄酒是一種愛的勞動,但結果往往是最令人驚嘆的味覺。 Edelgoud 是我們對這種難以捉摸的靈丹妙藥的嘗試,僅用長相思葡萄生產了兩桶。這款酒具有獨特的金色,以誘人的杏子和油桃、百香果、蜂窩、果醬、蘋果和桃乾的香氣吸引著味蕾。這款酒具有乾淨、清爽和清爽的餘味,可與焦糖布丁和各種奶酪完美搭配。
Winemaker: Jasper Raats & Hendrien de Munck 釀酒商: Jasper Raats & Hendrien de Munck
Alcohol: 11.5 酒精度:11.5度
Origin: Stellenbosch 原產地:斯泰倫博斯
Grape - Sauvignon Blanc
Awards:Platter 4 star; 90 Tim Atkin
*產品詳情請參閱包裝上說明, 圖片及建議只供參考,一切以實物為準。*『根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。』“ Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.